Kieran James Binnie, 26 May 1982 – 10 April 2021

Kieran on his 38th birthday in 2020

On 10 April 2021, after a painful struggle with anxiety and major depression, Kieran took his own life. The year since has been a challenge for his family and everyone who loved him, but we have also been able to do a lot of good in his memory. The Pathcarvers’ Kieran Binnie Memorial Fund has raised over £7000, which Pathcarvers are using to support people’s mental health and overall wellbeing through craft. Warley Woods, one of Kieran’s favourite green spaces, received £1000 from friends and family in his memory. And Quench Arts has received over £3000 so far to support people’s mental health through music therapy. Kieran’s sister Erica and some friends are also climbing Ben Nevis in May and will be donating the proceeds of that fundraiser to Quench Arts to help them continue their work. So far they’ve raised over £1000, and would gladly welcome your donation. So that’s over £12000 So far raised in Kieran’s memory, all intended to do good within our local community. It doesn’t make up for his loss, of course, but it is a good legacy.

Kieran was proud of the work he did here under the banner Over the Wireless, and we hope his website will remain a useful resource to inspire woodworkers of today and tomorrow. Kieran really lived by OtW’s strapline – Craft & Integrity – and we hope his example will inspire you to do the same.

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