Daddy has a Saw Problem

IMG_0315The October issue of Popular Woodworking appeared on my iPad this weekend, which means that it must be in print in the US now (though it will take a while longer to reach these shores). This issue includes my Saw Till as a project article, alongside fascinating articles by Nancy Hiller and Chris Schwarz amongst others. It was a real thrill to write a project for PopWood (thanks to Megan for asking me at Handworks last year), especially a project that I use every time I set foot in the workshop.

The Grand Reveal


Over the past couple of months I’ve been working on a project which I’ve refrained from writing about on OtW. That project is a wall hanging saw cabinet (daddy has a saw problem, remember?) which will be the subject of a project article for the October 2018 issue of Popular Woodworking. With the build now complete, and the copy, drawings, and process photographs, all submitted to the magazine, I have added the saw cabinet to the Portfolio section of OtW. Click through here to see a selection of the excellent beauty shots of the saw cabinet Gareth took two weeks ago. And if you want to know how to build this cabinet? Stay tuned for the October issue of PopWood!